Winston Churchill once said that Russia "is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" – and there’s no better way to uncover its secrets than to explore its cities. In Moscow, the colourful onion domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral are like iced gems looking over the Red Square and its historical heritage is just as vibrant. Feel the atmosphere that inspired the works of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky as you gaze at the old Soviet monuments, or experience the glitzy Moscow lifestyle as you watch a ballet performance with an ice-cold Moscow mule in hand. Known as the ‘Venice of the North’, St. Petersburg’s pastel colours and sleepy canals have a more relaxed feel but, like most Russia city breaks, it’s still packed full of art and culture. There’s plenty of opportunities for day trips, too. In the largest country in the world, it’s no surprise that there is a myriad of landscapes to explore, from deep forests and glistening lakes to unforgiving Arctic tundra. Visit Russia for a holiday off the beaten track.