Nestled within the winding streets of Jaipur (affectionately referred to as the 'Pink City') is Jaipur City Palace. This impressive palace complex, originally constructed and built in 1732 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the founder of Jaipur, is a major landmark in the city and is still home to the last ruling royal family. The site is a true masterpiece of Indian architecture and design, with many beautiful buildings in its courtyard, including the Mubarak Mahal (the palace of reception) and the Maharani’s Palace (the palace of the queen). In addition to its striking architecture and historical significance,
Jaipur City Palace is also known for its numerous museums and galleries which house a rich collection of artefacts and objects. Our favourites are the royal armoury, which displays ceremonial items used by Rajput rulers, and the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Gallery, which displays rare antique paintings and a unique collection of royal costumes.
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