Time Difference

Finland is two hours ahead of GMT and observes daylight saving time.


Finland adopted the euro in 2002 but does not have one and two cent coins in circulation. Currency exchange is done in banks, post offices and at exchange offices. Many retailers allow easy cash withdrawals (international Visa, MasterCard). Note, however, that banks and retailers are rarer in the north so you should carry cash if travelling in the north. Banks are open Monday to Friday from 09:15 to 16:15.

Electricity and Plugs

220 volts; European plug so UK travellers should take adapters.

Local Amenities

In general, shops are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00. Supermarkets are open until 21:00 on weekdays (until 18:00 on Saturday). In June, July and August, most shops are also open on Sundays.


For linguistic reasons the Finnish media is largely inaccessible to most travellers, however the national broadcasting company, YLE, offers an excellent online newspaper in English. You will also find a lot of television programmes in English or with English subtitles.


Post offices are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 in summer (later in winter). They are recognisable by their orange sign, ""Posti"". Postboxes are yellow and stamps are widely available in bookshops and newsagents.


To call Finland from the UK, dial 00 358, followed by the phone number you’re trying to call, without the first zero. To call the UK from Finland, dial 00 44 followed by the nine-digit phone number (without the first zero).


Cybercafes (with broadband connection) are widely available in cities. You’ll also find self-service computers (with internet access) in public libraries.

Mobile Coverage

Mobile coverage is generally excellent across Finland, you should check with your carrier on conditions for access to the local network.



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