Mahabalipuram holidays allow fans of history and architecture the chance to explore their passion as they visit famous Pancha Rathas, an extraordinary and compelling complex of shrines dating from the seventh century. Here you’ll find monolithic monuments cut from pink granite - some forty feet high - which recount stories from that famous Indian epic, the Mahabharata. And the ancient town itself, also known as Mamallapuram, was a bustling sea port in the first century. Situated on the Bay of Bengal, in the state of Tamil Nadu, it is now a beachside town. Quite apart from Pancha Rathas, this area is extraordinarily rich in shrines,
temples, and immense carvings worked into rocks and in caves, all of them showing sumptuous sculptural motifs. Amateur archaeologists won’t want to miss the Mahabalipuram’s Archeology Museum while staying here.
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