Nestled amid the beauty of the Cardamom and Pandalam Hills in India’s Western Ghats is the mesmerising Periyar National Park. Lush green trees, open plains and meandering lakes sprawl over the 360 square miles that make up one of the most spectacular and diverse wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala. Each season opens up a different view of the Periyar National Park, from lush green canopies during monsoon season to springtime's vivid blossoms. Both are a spectacle and a welcome invitation for wildlife lovers (or those who just want to get away from the bustle of India’s cities for a few days). Periyar
National Park was declared a Tiger Reserve in 1978, with an aim to protect wildlife habitats and offer the chance to see the elusive tiger in its natural habitat. The park encompasses vast expanses of tropical forests and the mighty Periyar River, allowing endless possibilities for adventure, whether you choose to trek through the wilderness or cruise along the riverbanks. Enjoy the silence of the jungle and the sounds of nature in its purest form – but keep your eyes and ears on the jungle to look out for Indian elephants, gaurs (Indian bison) and sloth bears lazing and grazing - you might even hear a Bengal or white tiger's ferocious grunt.
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