Family Travel

Best Holidays with Teenagers

Best Holidays with Teenagers

When it comes to family holidays, one demographic stands as the most demanding – the truculent teen. Tom Barber, co-founder of Original Travel and Conde Nast Traveler’s Top Family Specialist, says that ‘teenagers tend to get forgotten – even though there are just as many considerations to factor in for that age bracket. Luckily, that’s where we come in. There are plenty of ways to craft a holiday you can all enjoy. Of course, I would say this, but give Original Travel a brief of what your family enjoy doing together and what your teens are into (and what they’re not), and you’ll be amazed at how enjoyable a holiday with your teen can be!’. Feeling inspired? Read on to discover the best holidays with teenagers, tried and tested by our very own Original Travel parents.


California Road Trip

Choose love, not family feuds, on a road trip through America’s peace-loving Golden State – California. From San Francisco to Los Angeles, you’ll find plenty of time to shop, sunbathe and sightsee as you explore the adult-sized playground. Tackle the hiking trails and rapids of Yosemite, spot sun-soaked seals at Monterey Bay and dive into the world of film at LA’s Universal Studios. Still not convinced? Our USA specialist can vouch for the way Santa Monica’s beach cruiser bikes and the eerie cells of Alcatraz completely won their teens over.

Image by Marie-Pierre Languille.


Roaming around Rajasthan

Throw the teenagers into the cultural deep end with an enticing trip to India’s Rajasthan. Starting in Delhi, you’ll wind through the city’s eclectic sights, smells and sounds on the back of a rickshaw before visiting the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra. Raising a budding cricket star? We can arrange for you to learn from the best and join a cricket match alongside experienced players. Fledging fashionistas can even visit a tailor, design their own outfit and bring a pop of India’s colourful clothing back home. With something for everyone, Rajasthan stands out as one of the best holidays with teenagers.

Image by Jerome Galland.


Costa Rican Adventure

If there’s one place that’ll make the youngsters forget about their phones, it’s Costa Rica. Home to rugged rainforests and diverse wildlife, it’s a tropical feast for the senses. Eager environmentalists can visit a shelter for orphaned animals in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, while the entire family can bask in Arenal National Park's majestic volcano views. Walk (or raft) on the wild side with an adrenaline-inducing adventure down Rio Sarapiqui’s rapids, or simply spread out on Tambor’s black sand beaches. It's so beautiful, you’ll (almost) fail to think about the insta-worthy photos.

Image by Isabelle Weber.


Marine Life in the Maldives

Future marine biologists can cut their teeth on a Maldivian getaway to the beautiful Baa Atoll. Expand your knowledge with marine biology programs and participate in dolphin and turtle research. With our friends over at Original Diving, you can also dive and snorkel through the bustling coral-encrusted sites of Hanifaru Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Finally, for that much-needed R&R (even the teens will be worn out, trust us), kick back on the beach and soak up the marvellous Maldivian sun.


Safaris and Star-Gazing in Kenya

Along with creating new, lifelong memories, Kenya also provides a nostalgia fix – think the sprawling savannahs from The Lion King. Many moons ago, we’re willing to bet this was your teen’s favourite film, and an adventure through the Masai Mara and Laikipia is one of the best holidays with teenagers to bring these memories to life. Embark on game-spotting safaris, go fishing in the Mara River and hike up Kileleoni Hill. To top it off, you’ll be staying in some of Kenya’s most secluded and sumptuous camps, complete with infinity pools and evening campfires under the stars.


Written by Evie Buller | Header Image by Grant Harder.