You say Bombay, he say Mumbai. Call it what you will, this is – without question – the most vibrant city on Earth. 14 million people from slumdogs to billionaires living dirt streaked cheek by perfectly manicured jowl will always generate an impressive energy – after all, there's life to be lived, and gods to be worshipped, be they called Tendulakar, Mumba Devi (the city's patron god and latter day namesake) or Mammon. To see how the city really functions we can arrange for you to join the vast army of white cap-wearing dabbawallahs, who deliver some 200,000 lunches to hungry office workers every day,
as they ride the trains in to town from the suburbs. The daily logistics are staggering, and the dabbawallahs claim a loss rate of one meal in 16 million. We also recommend shopping for goodies in the Chor Bazaar (Thieves' Bazaar) and a day's racing at the Mahalaxmi race track as racing comes a close second to cricket in Bombayite' sporting affections.
Contact one of our specialists + 44 (0) 20 3958 6120